Source code for dhcp_types.conversion

# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
Provides convenience functions used to convert from friendly data-types into
packet-insertable data-types and vice-versa.

This file is part of libpydhcpserver.
libpydhcpserver is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.

(C) Neil Tallim, 2014 <>
    from types import StringTypes
except ImportError: #py3k
    StringTypes = (str,)

_IPv4 = None #: Placeholder for a deferred import ot avoid a circular reference.

[docs]def listToNumber(l): """ Sums a sequence of bytes in big-endian order, producing an integer. :param sequence l: A sequence of ints, between ``0`` and ``255``. :return int: The corresponding value. """ value = 0 for (i, v) in enumerate(reversed(l)): value += v << (8 * i) return value
[docs]def listToInt(l): """ Converts a pair of bytes, in big-endian order, into an integer. :param sequence l: A sequence of ints, between ``0`` and ``255``. If longer than two, only the head is used; if less than two, zero-padded to LSD. :return int: The corresponding value. """ return listToNumber(l[:2])
[docs]def listToInts(l): """ Converts pairs of bytes, in big-endian order, into integers. :param sequence l: A sequence of ints, between ``0`` and ``255``. If not a multiple of two, zero-padded to LSD. :return list: A list of ints corresponding to the byte-pairs. """ ints = [] for i in xrange(len(l) >> 1): p = i * 2 ints.append(listToInt(l[p:p + 2])) return ints
[docs]def listToLong(l): """ Converts a quartet of bytes, in big-endian order, into an integer. :param sequence l: A sequence of ints, between ``0`` and ``255``. If longer than four, only the head is used; if less than four, zero-padded to LSD. :return int: The corresponding value. """ return listToNumber(l[:4])
[docs]def listToLongs(l): """ Converts quartets of bytes, in big-endian order, into integers. :param sequence l: A sequence of ints, between ``0`` and ``255``. If not a multiple of four, zero-padded to LSD. :return list: A list of ints corresponding to the byte-quartets. """ longs = [] for i in xrange(len(l) >> 2): p = i * 4 longs.append(listToLong(l[p:p + 4])) return longs
[docs]def intToList(i): """ Converts an integer into a pair of bytes in big-endian order. :param int i: The integer to be converted. If outside the range of ``0`` to ``65535``, only the low-order sixteen bits are considered. :return list(2): The converted value. """ return [ i >> 8 & 0xFF, i & 0xFF, ]
[docs]def intsToList(l): """ Converts a sequence of integers into pairs of bytes in big-endian order. :param sequence l: The sequence to be converted. If any values are outside the range of ``0`` to ``65535``, only the low-order sixteen bits are considered. :return list: The converted values. """ pairs = [] for i in l: pairs += intToList(i) return pairs
[docs]def longToList(l): """ Converts an integer into a quartet of bytes in big-endian order. :param int l: The integer to be converted. If outside the range of ``0`` to ``4294967296``, only the low-order thirty-two bits are considered. :return list(4): The converted value. """ return [ l >> 24 & 0xFF, l >> 16 & 0xFF, l >> 8 & 0xFF, l & 0xFF, ]
[docs]def longsToList(l): """ Converts a sequence of integers into quartets of bytes in big-endian order. :param sequence l: The sequence to be converted. If any values are outside the range of ``0`` to ``4294967296``, only the low-order thirty-two bits are considered. :return list: The converted values. """ bytes = [] for i in l: bytes += longToList(i) return bytes
[docs]def listToStr(l): """ Converts a sequence of bytes into a byte-string. :param sequence l: The bytes to be converted. :return str: The converted byte-string. """ return ''.join(chr(i) for i in l)
[docs]def strToList(s): """ Converts a string into a sequence of bytes. This will also handle unicode strings, so sanitise all input. :param str s: The string to be converted. :return list: A sequence of bytes. """ return [ord(c) for c in s.encode('utf-8')]
[docs]def strToPaddedList(s, l): """ Converts a string into a sequence of bytes, with a fixed length. This will also handle unicode strings, so sanitise all input. :param str s: The string to be converted. :param int l: The length of the resulting list. :return list: A sequence of bytes of length ``l``, truncated or null-padded as appropriate. """ padded_list = strToList(s) if len(padded_list) < l: padded_list += [0] * (l - len(padded_list)) return padded_list[:l]
[docs]def listToIP(l): """ Converts almost anything into an IPv4 address. :param sequence(4) l: The bytes to be converted. :return: The equivalent IPv4 address. :except ValueError: The list could not be processed. """ global _IPv4 if not _IPv4: from ipv4 import IPv4 _IPv4 = IPv4 return _IPv4(l)
[docs]def listToIPs(l): """ Converts almost anything into IPv4 addresses. :param sequence l: The bytes to be converted, as a flat sequence with length a multiple of four. :return list: The equivalent IPv4 addresses. :except ValueError: The list could not be processed. """ ips = [] for i in xrange(len(l) / 4): p = i * 4 ips.append(listToIP(l[p:p + 4])) return ips
[docs]def ipToList(ip): """ Converts an IPv4 address into a list of four bytes in big-endian order. :param object ip: Any valid IPv4 format (string, 32-bit integer, list of bytes, :class:`IPv4 <dhcp_types.IPv4>`). :return list(4): The converted address. :except ValueError: The IP could not be processed. """ global _IPv4 if not _IPv4: from ipv4 import IPv4 _IPv4 = IPv4 if not isinstance(ip, _IPv4): ip = _IPv4(ip) return list(ip)
[docs]def ipsToList(ips): """ Converts a IPv4 addresses into a flat list of multiples of four bytes in big-endian order. :param list ips: A list of any valid IPv4 formats (string, 32-bit integer, list of bytes, :class:`IPv4 <dhcp_types.IPv4>`). :return list: The converted addresses. :except ValueError: The IPs could not be processed. """ if isinstance(ips, StringTypes): tokens = ips.split(',') else: tokens = ips bytes = [] for ip in tokens: bytes += ipToList(ip) return bytes