Source code for dhcp

# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
Handles send/receive and internal routing for DHCP packets.

This file is part of libpydhcpserver.
libpydhcpserver is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.

(C) Neil Tallim, 2014 <>
(C) Matthew Boedicker, 2011 <>
(C) Mathieu Ignacio, 2008 <>
import collections
import platform
import select
import socket
import threading

from dhcp_types.ipv4 import IPv4
from dhcp_types.mac import MAC
from dhcp_types.packet import (DHCPPacket, FLAGBIT_BROADCAST)
from dhcp_types.constants import (

#IP constants
_IP_GLOB = IPv4('') #: The internal "everything" address.
_IP_BROADCAST = IPv4('') #: The broadcast address.
IP_UNSPECIFIED_FILTER = (_IP_GLOB, _IP_BROADCAST, None) #: A tuple of addresses that reflect non-unicast targets.

_ETH_P_SNAP = 0x0005
Internal-only Ethernet-frame-grabbing for Linux.

Nothing should be addressable to the special response socket, but better to avoid wasting memory.

_SO_BINDTODEVICE = 25 #Assume the most common Linux value by default
The value for `SO_BINDTODEVICE` on the current platform; for BSD and other
UNIXes, `IP_RECVIF` is used instead, but it has the same usage semantics.
if platform.system() == 'Linux':
    if hasattr(socket, 'SO_BINDTODEVICE'):
    elif platform.machine() == 'sparc':
        _SO_BINDTODEVICE = 0x0d
    elif platform.machine() == 'parisc':
        _SO_BINDTODEVICE = 0x4019
else: #Assume BSD/OS X
   _SO_BINDTODEVICE = 20 #IP_RECVIF as defined in FreeBSD

_AF_PACKET = (hasattr(socket, 'AF_PACKET') and socket.AF_PACKET) or 17
Linux constant for AF_PACKET, just in case Python wasn't built against complete

Address = collections.namedtuple("Address", ('ip', 'port'))
An inet layer-3 address.

.. py:attribute:: ip

    An :class:`IPv4 <dhcp_types.ipv4.IPv4>` address

.. py:attribute:: port

    A numeric port value.

[docs]class DHCPServer(object): """ Handles internal packet-path-routing logic. """ _server_address = None #: The IP associated with this server. _network_link = None #: The I/O-handler; you don't want to touch this. def __init__(self, server_address, server_port, client_port, proxy_port=None, response_interface=None, response_interface_qtags=None): """ Sets up the DHCP network infrastructure. :param server_address: The IP address on which to run the DHCP service. :type server_address: :class:`IPv4 <dhcp_types.ipv4.IPv4>` :param int port: The port on which DHCP servers and relays listen in this network. :param int client_port: The port on which DHCP clients listen in this network. :param int proxy_port: The port on which ProxyDHCP servers listen for in this network; ``None`` to disable. :param str response_interface: The interface on which to provide raw packet support, like ``"eth0"``, or ``None`` if not requested. ``'-'`` enables automatic resolution based on `server_address`. :param sequence response_interface_qtags: Any qtags to insert into raw packets, in order of appearance. Definitions take the following form: (pcp:`0-7`, dei:``bool``, vid:`1-4094`) :except Exception: A problem occurred during setup. """ self._server_address = server_address if response_interface == '-': import getifaddrslib response_interface = getifaddrslib.get_network_interface(server_address) self._network_link = _NetworkLink(str(server_address), server_port, client_port, proxy_port, response_interface, response_interface_qtags=response_interface_qtags)
[docs] def _getNextDHCPPacket(self, timeout=60, packet_buffer=2048): """ Blocks for up to ``timeout`` seconds while waiting for a packet to arrive; if one does, a thread is spawned to process it. Have a thread blocking on this at all times; restart it immediately after it returns. :param int timeout: The number of seconds to wait before returning. :param int packet_buffer: The size of the buffer to use for receiving packets. :return tuple(2): (DHCP-packet-received:``bool``, :class:`Address <dhcp.Address>` or ``None`` on timeout) """ (source_address, data, port) = self._network_link.getData(timeout=timeout, packet_buffer=packet_buffer) if data: try: packet = DHCPPacket(data=data) except ValueError: pass else: if packet.isDHCPRequestPacket(): threading.Thread(target=self._handleDHCPRequest, args=(packet, source_address, port)).start() elif packet.isDHCPDiscoverPacket(): threading.Thread(target=self._handleDHCPDiscover, args=(packet, source_address, port)).start() elif packet.isDHCPInformPacket(): threading.Thread(target=self._handleDHCPInform, args=(packet, source_address, port)).start() elif packet.isDHCPReleasePacket(): threading.Thread(target=self._handleDHCPRelease, args=(packet, source_address, port)).start() elif packet.isDHCPDeclinePacket(): threading.Thread(target=self._handleDHCPDecline, args=(packet, source_address, port)).start() elif packet.isDHCPLeaseQueryPacket(): threading.Thread(target=self._handleDHCPLeaseQuery, args=(packet, source_address, port)).start() return (True, source_address) return (False, source_address)
[docs] def _handleDHCPDecline(self, packet, source_address, port): """ Processes a DECLINE packet. Override this with your own logic to handle DECLINEs. :param packet: The packet to be processed. :type packet: :class:`DHCPPacket <dhcp_types.packet.DHCPPacket>` :param source_address: The address from which the request was received. :type source_address: :class:`Address <dhcp.Address>` :param int port: The port on which the packet was received. """
[docs] def _handleDHCPDiscover(self, packet, source_address, port): """ Processes a DISCOVER packet. Override this with your own logic to handle DISCOVERs. :param packet: The packet to be processed. :type packet: :class:`DHCPPacket <dhcp_types.packet.DHCPPacket>` :param source_address: The address from which the request was received. :type source_address: :class:`Address <dhcp.Address>` :param int port: The port on which the packet was received. """
[docs] def _handleDHCPInform(self, packet, source_address, port): """ Processes an INFORM packet. Override this with your own logic to handle INFORMs. :param packet: The packet to be processed. :type packet: :class:`DHCPPacket <dhcp_types.packet.DHCPPacket>` :param source_address: The address from which the request was received. :type source_address: :class:`Address <dhcp.Address>` :param int port: The port on which the packet was received. """
[docs] def _handleDHCPLeaseQuery(self, packet, source_address, port): """ Processes a LEASEQUERY packet. Override this with your own logic to handle LEASEQUERYs. :param packet: The packet to be processed. :type packet: :class:`DHCPPacket <dhcp_types.packet.DHCPPacket>` :param source_address: The address from which the request was received. :type source_address: :class:`Address <dhcp.Address>` :param int port: The port on which the packet was received. """
[docs] def _handleDHCPRelease(self, packet, source_address, port): """ Processes a RELEASE packet. Override this with your own logic to handle RELEASEs. :param packet: The packet to be processed. :type packet: :class:`DHCPPacket <dhcp_types.packet.DHCPPacket>` :param source_address: The address from which the request was received. :type source_address: :class:`Address <dhcp.Address>` :param int port: The port on which the packet was received. """
[docs] def _handleDHCPRequest(self, packet, source_address, port): """ Processes a REQUEST packet. Override this with your own logic to handle REQUESTs. :param packet: The packet to be processed. :type packet: :class:`DHCPPacket <dhcp_types.packet.DHCPPacket>` :param source_address: The address from which the request was received. :type source_address: :class:`Address <dhcp.Address>` :param int port: The port on which the packet was received. """
[docs] def _sendDHCPPacket(self, packet, source_address, port): """ Encodes and sends a DHCP packet to its destination. **Important**: during this process, the packet may be modified, but will be restored to its initial state by the time this method returns. If any threadsafing is required, it must be handled in calling logic. :param packet: The packet to be processed. :type packet: :class:`DHCPPacket <dhcp_types.packet.DHCPPacket>` :param source_address: The address from which the request was received. :type source_address: :class:`Address <dhcp.Address>` :param int port: The port on which the packet was received. :return int: The number of bytes transmitted. :except Exception: A problem occurred during serialisation or transmission. """ return self._network_link.sendData(packet, source_address, port)
class _NetworkLink(object): """ Handles network I/O. """ _client_port = None #: The port on which clients expect to receive DHCP traffic. _server_port = None #: The port on which servers expect to receive DHCP traffic. _proxy_port = None #: The port on which ProxyDHCP traffic is expected to be exchanged. _proxy_socket = None #: The internal socket to use for ProxyDHCP traffic. _responder_dhcp = None #: The internal socket to use for responding to DHCP requests. _responder_proxy = None #: The internal socket to use for responding to ProxyDHCP requests. _responder_broadcast = None #: The internal socket to use for responding to broadcast requests. _listening_sockets = None #: All sockets on which to listen for activity. _unicast_discover_supported = False #: Whether unicast responses to DISCOVERs are supported. def __init__(self, server_address, server_port, client_port, proxy_port, response_interface=None, response_interface_qtags=None): """ Sets up the DHCP network infrastructure. :param str server_address: The IP address on which to run the DHCP service. :param int server_port: The port on which DHCP servers and relays listen in this network. :param int client_port: The port on which DHCP clients listen in this network. :param int|None proxy_port: The port on which DHCP servers listen for ProxyDHCP traffic in this network. :param str|None response_interface: The interface on which to provide raw packet support, like 'eth0', or None if not requested. :param sequence|None response_interface_qtags: Any qtags to insert into raw packets, in order of appearance. Definitions take the following form: (pcp:`0-7`, dei:``bool``, vid:`1-4094`) :except Exception: A problem occurred during setup. """ self._client_port = client_port self._server_port = server_port self._proxy_port = proxy_port #Create and bind unicast sockets (dhcp_socket, proxy_socket) = self._setupListeningSockets(server_port, proxy_port, server_address) if proxy_socket: self._listening_sockets = (dhcp_socket, proxy_socket) self._proxy_socket = proxy_socket else: self._listening_sockets = (dhcp_socket,) #Wrap the sockets with appropriate logic and set options self._responder_dhcp = _L3Responder(socketobj=dhcp_socket) self._responder_proxy = _L3Responder(socketobj=proxy_socket) #Either create a raw-response socket or a generic broadcast-response socket if response_interface: try: self._responder_broadcast = _L2Responder_AF_PACKET(server_address, response_interface, qtags=response_interface_qtags) except Exception: try: self._responder_broadcast = _L2Responder_pcap(server_address, response_interface, qtags=response_interface_qtags) except Exception, e: import errno raise EnvironmentError(errno.ELIBACC, "Raw response-socket requested on %(interface)s, but neither AF_PACKET nor libpcap are available, or the interface does not exist" % {'interface': response_interface,}) self._unicast_discover_supported = True else: self._responder_broadcast = _L3Responder(server_address=server_address) def _setupListeningSockets(self, server_port, proxy_port, server_address=None): """ Creates and binds the listening sockets. :param int server_port: The port on which to listen for DHCP traffic. :param int proxy_port: The port on which to listen for ProxyDHCP traffic. :param string server_address: The IP address to listen for DHCP traffic on :return tuple(2): The DHCP and ProxyDHCP sockets, the latter of which may be ``None`` if not requested. :except socket.error: Sockets could not be created or bound. """ dhcp_socket = proxy_socket = None try: dhcp_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) if proxy_port: proxy_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) except socket.error, msg: raise Exception('Unable to create socket: %(err)s' % {'err': str(msg),}) try: dhcp_socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) if proxy_socket: proxy_socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) except socket.error, msg: import warnings warnings.warn('Unable to set SO_REUSEADDR; multiple DHCP servers cannot be run in parallel: %(err)s' % {'err': str(msg),}) if platform.system() != 'Linux': try: dhcp_socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEPORT, 1) if proxy_port: proxy_socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEPORT, 1) except socket.error, msg: import warnings warnings.warn('Unable to set SO_REUSEPORT; multiple DHCP servers cannot be run in parallel: %(err)s' % {'err': str(msg),}) try: dhcp_socket.bind(('', server_port)) if proxy_port: proxy_socket.bind(('', proxy_port)) except socket.error, e: raise Exception('Unable to bind sockets: %(error)s' % { 'error': str(e), }) if server_address: import getifaddrslib listen_interface = getifaddrslib.get_network_interface(server_address) try: dhcp_socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, _SO_BINDTODEVICE, listen_interface) except socket.error, msg: raise OSError(msg.errno, 'Unable to limit listening to %(listen_interface)s: %(err)s' % { 'listen_interface': listen_interface, 'err': msg.strerror, }) return (dhcp_socket, proxy_socket) def getData(self, timeout, packet_buffer): """ Runs `select()` over all relevant sockets, providing data if available. :param int timeout: The number of seconds to wait before returning. :param int packet_buffer: The size of the buffer to use for receiving packets. :return tuple(3): 0. :class:`Address <dhcp.Address>` or ``None``: None if the timeout was reached. 1. The received data as a ``str`` or ``None`` if the timeout was reached. 2. the port on which the packet was received; -1 on timeout or error. :except select.error: The `select()` operation did not complete gracefully. """ port = -1 active_sockets =, [], [], timeout)[0] if active_sockets: active_socket = active_sockets[0] if active_socket == self._proxy_socket: port = self._proxy_port else: port = self._server_port (data, source_address) = active_socket.recvfrom(packet_buffer) if data: return (Address(IPv4(source_address[0]), source_address[1]), data, port) return (None, None, port) def sendData(self, packet, address, port): """ Writes the packet to to appropriate socket, addressed to the appropriate recipient. :param packet: The packet to be written. :type packet: :class:`DHCPPacket <dhcp_types.packet.DHCPPacket>` :param address: The address from which the original packet was received. :type address: :class:`Address <dhcp.Address>` :param int port: The port on which the packet was received. :return tuple(2): 0. The number of bytes written to the network. 1. The :class:`Address <dhcp.Address>` ultimately used. :except Exception: A problem occurred during serialisation or transmission. """ ip = None relayed = False port = self._client_port source_port = self._server_port responder = self._responder_dhcp if address.ip in IP_UNSPECIFIED_FILTER: #Broadcast source; this is never valid for ProxyDHCP if (not self._unicast_discover_supported #All responses have to be via broadcast or packet.getFlag(FLAGBIT_BROADCAST)): #Broadcast bit set; respond in kind ip = _IP_BROADCAST else: #The client wants unicast and this host can handle it #Try to get the client's address first, falling back to broadcast if missing ip = packet.extractIPOrNone(FIELD_YIADDR) or _IP_BROADCAST responder = self._responder_broadcast else: #Unicast source ip = address.ip relayed = bool(packet.extractIPOrNone(FIELD_GIADDR)) if relayed: #Relayed request. port = self._server_port else: #Request directly from client, routed or otherwise. if port == self._proxy_port: ip = packet.extractIPOrNone(FIELD_CIADDR) or ip port = address.port or port #BSD doesn't seem to preserve port information source_port = port responder = self._responder_proxy return responder.send(packet, ip, port, relayed, source_port=source_port) class _Responder(object): """ A generic responder-template, which defines common logic. """ def send(self, packet, ip, port, relayed, **kwargs): """ Performs final sanity-checking and address manipulation, then submits the packet for transmission. :param packet: The packet to be written. :type packet: :class:`DHCPPacket <dhcp_types.packet.DHCPPacket>` :param ip: The address to which the packet should be sent. :type ip: :class:`IPv4 <dhcp_types.IPv4>` :param int port: The port to which the packet should be sent. :param bool relayed: ``True`` if the packet came from a relay. :param \*\*kwargs: Any technology-specific arguments. :return tuple(2): 0. The number of bytes written to the network. 1. The :class:`Address <dhcp.Address>` ultimately used. :except Exception: An error occurred during serialisation or transmission. """ if relayed: broadcast_source = packet.extractIPOrNone(FIELD_CIADDR) in IP_UNSPECIFIED_FILTER else: broadcast_source = ip in IP_UNSPECIFIED_FILTER (broadcast_changed, original_was_broadcast) = packet.setFlag(FLAGBIT_BROADCAST, broadcast_source) #Perform any necessary packet-specific address-changes if not original_was_broadcast: #Unicast behaviour permitted; use the packet's IP override, if set ip = packet.response_ip or ip port = packet.response_port or port if packet.response_source_port is not None: kwargs['source_port'] = packet.response_source_port bytes_sent = self._send(packet, str(ip), port, **kwargs) if broadcast_changed: #Restore the broadcast bit, in case the packet needs to be used for something else packet.setFlag(FLAGBIT_BROADCAST, original_was_broadcast) return (bytes_sent, Address(IPv4(ip), port)) def _send(self, packet, ip, port, **kwargs): """ Handles technology-specific transmission; must be implemented by subclasses. :param packet: The packet to be written. :type packet: :class:`DHCPPacket <dhcp_types.packet.DHCPPacket>` :param ip: The address to which the packet should be sent. :type ip: :class:`IPv4 <dhcp_types.IPv4>` :param int port: The port to which the packet should be sent. :param \*\*kwargs: Any technology-specific arguments. :return int: The number of bytes written to the network. :except Exception: An error occurred during serialisation or transmission. """ raise NotImplementedError("_send() must be implemented in subclasses") class _L3Responder(_Responder): """ Defines rules and logic needed to respond at layer 3. """ _socket = None #: The socket used for responses. def __init__(self, socketobj=None, server_address=None): """ Wraps an existing socket or creates an arbitrarily bound new socket with broadcast capabilities. :param socket.socket|None socketobj: The socket to be bound; if ``None``, a new one is created. :param str|None server_address: The address to which a new socket should be bound. :except Exception: Unable to bind a new socket. """ if socketobj: self._socket = socketobj else: self._socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) try: self._socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_BROADCAST, 1) except socket.error, e: raise Exception('Unable to set SO_BROADCAST: %(err)s' % {'err': e,}) try: self._socket.bind((server_address or '', 0)) except socket.error, e: raise Exception('Unable to bind socket: %(error)s' % {'error': e,}) def _send(self, packet, ip, port, **kwargs): """ Serialises and sends the packet. :param packet: The packet to be written. :type packet: :class:`DHCPPacket <dhcp_types.packet.DHCPPacket>` :param str ip: The address to which the packet should be sent. :param int port: The port to which the packet should be sent. :param \*\*kwargs: Any technology-specific arguments. :return int: The number of bytes written to the network. :except Exception: An error occurred during serialisation or transmission. """ return self._socket.sendto(packet.encodePacket(), (ip, port)) class _L2Responder(_Responder): """ Defines rules and logic needed to respond at layer 2. """ _ethernet_id = None #: The source MAC and Ethernet payload-type (and qtags, if applicable). _server_address = None #: The server's IP. #Locally cached module functions _array_ = None #: `array.array` _pack_ = None #: `struct.pack` def __init__(self, server_address, mac, qtags=None): """ Constructs the Ethernet header for all L2 communication. :param str server_address: The server's IP as a dotted quad. :param str mac: The MAC of the responding interface, in network-byte order. :param sequence qtags: Any qtags to insert into raw packets, in order of appearance. Definitions take the following form: (pcp:`0-7`, dei:``bool``, vid:`1-4094`) """ import struct self._pack_ = struct.pack import array self._array_ = array.array self._server_address = socket.inet_aton(str(server_address)) ethernet_id = [mac,] #Source MAC if qtags: for (pcp, dei, vid) in qtags: ethernet_id.append("\x81\x00") #qtag payload-type qtag_value = pcp << 13 #Priority-code-point (0-7) qtag_value += int(dei) << 12 #Drop-eligible-indicator qtag_value += vid #vlan-identifier ethernet_id.append(self._pack('!H', qtag_value)) ethernet_id.append("\x08\x00") #IP payload-type self._ethernet_id = ''.join(ethernet_id) def _checksum(self, data): """ Computes the RFC768 checksum of ``data``. :param sequence data: The data to be checksummed. :return int: The data's checksum. """ if sum(len(i) for i in data) & 1: #Odd checksum = sum(self._array_('H', ''.join(data)[:-1])) checksum += ord(data[-1][-1]) #Add the final byte else: #Even checksum = sum(self._array_('H', ''.join(data))) checksum = (checksum >> 16) + (checksum & 0xffff) checksum += (checksum >> 16) return ~checksum & 0xffff def _ipChecksum(self, ip_prefix, ip_destination): """ Computes the checksum of the IPv4 header. :param str ip_prefix: The portion of the IPv4 header preceding the `checksum` field. :param str ip_destination: The destination address, in network-byte order. :return int: The IPv4 checksum. """ return self._checksum([ ip_prefix, '\0\0', #Empty checksum field self._server_address, ip_destination, ]) def _udpChecksum(self, ip_destination, udp_addressing, udp_length, packet): """ Computes the checksum of the UDP header and payload. :param str ip_destination: The destination address, in network-byte order. :param str udp_addressing: The UDP header's port section. :param str udp_length: The length of the UDP payload plus header. :param str packet: The serialised packet. :return int: The UDP checksum. """ return self._checksum([ self._server_address, ip_destination, '\0\x11', #UDP spec padding and protocol udp_length, udp_addressing, udp_length, '\0\0', #Dummy UDP checksum packet, ]) def _assemblePacket(self, packet, mac, ip, port, source_port): """ Assembles the Ethernet, IPv4, and UDP headers, serialises the packet, and provides a complete Ethernet frame for injection into the network. :param packet: The packet to be written. :type packet: :class:`DHCPPacket <dhcp_types.packet.DHCPPacket>` :param mac: The MAC to which the packet is addressed. :type mac: :class:`MAC <dhcp_types.mac.MAC>` :param str ip: The IPv4 to which the packet is addressed, as a dotted quad. :param int port: The port to which the packet is addressed. :param int source_port: The port from which the packet is addressed. :return str: The complete binary packet. """ binary = [] #<> Ethernet header if _IP_BROADCAST == ip: binary.append('\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff') #Broadcast MAC else: binary.append(''.join(chr(i) for i in mac)) #Destination MAC binary.append(self._ethernet_id) #Source MAC and Ethernet payload-type #<> Prepare packet data for transmission and checksumming binary_packet = packet.encodePacket() packet_len = len(binary_packet) #<> IP header binary.append(self._pack_("!BBHHHBB", 69, #IPv4 + length=5 0, #DSCP/ECN aren't relevant 28 + packet_len, #The UDP and packet lengths in bytes 0, #ID, which is always 0 because we're the origin packet_len <= 560 and 0b0100000000000000 or 0, #Flags and fragmentation 128, #Make the default TTL sane, but not maximum 0x11, #Protocol=UDP )) ip_destination = socket.inet_aton(ip) binary.extend(( self._pack_("<H", self._ipChecksum(binary[-1], ip_destination)), self._server_address, ip_destination )) #<> UDP header binary.append(self._pack_("!HH", source_port, port)) binary.append(self._pack_("!H", packet_len + 8)) #8 for the header itself binary.append(self._pack_("<H", self._udpChecksum(ip_destination, binary[-2], binary[-1], binary_packet))) #<> Payload binary.append(binary_packet) return ''.join(binary) def _send(self, packet, ip, port, source_port=0, **kwargs): """ Serialises and sends the packet. :param packet: The packet to be written. :type packet: :class:`DHCPPacket <dhcp_types.packet.DHCPPacket>` :param str ip: The address to which the packet should be sent. :param int port: The port to which the packet should be sent. :param int source_port: The UDP port from which to claim the packet originated. :param \*\*kwargs: Any technology-specific arguments. :return int: The number of bytes written to the network. :except Exception: An error occurred during serialisation or transmission. """ mac = (packet.response_mac and MAC(packet.response_mac)) or packet.getHardwareAddress() binary_packet = self._assemblePacket(packet, mac, ip, port, source_port) return self._send_(binary_packet) class _L2Responder_AF_PACKET(_L2Responder): """ A Linux-specific layer 2 responder that uses AF_PACKET. """ _socket = None #: The socket used for responses. def __init__(self, server_address, response_interface, qtags=None): """ Creates and configures a raw socket on an interface. :param str server_address: The server's IP as a dotted quad. :param str response_interface: The interface on which to provide raw packet support, like ``"eth0"``. :param sequence qtags: Any qtags to insert into raw packets, in order of appearance. Definitions take the following form: (pcp:`0-7`, dei:``bool``, vid:`1-4094`) :except socket.error: The socket could not be configured. """ self._socket = socket.socket(_AF_PACKET, socket.SOCK_RAW, socket.htons(_ETH_P_SNAP)) self._socket.bind((response_interface, _ETH_P_SNAP)) self._socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_SNDBUF, 2 ** 12) self._socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_RCVBUF, 2 ** 12) mac = self._socket.getsockname()[4] _L2Responder.__init__(self, server_address, mac, qtags=qtags) def _send_(self, packet): """ Sends the packet. :param str packet: The packet to be written. :return int: The number of bytes written to the network. :except Exception: An error occurred during transmission. """ return self._socket.send(packet) class _L2Responder_pcap(_L2Responder): """ A more general Unix-oriented layer 2 responder that uses libpcap. """ _fd = None #: The file-descriptor of the socket used for responses. _inject = None #: The "send" function to invoke from libpcap. #Locally cached module functions _c_int_ = None #: `ctypes.c_int` def __init__(self, server_address, response_interface, qtags=None): """ Creates and configures a raw socket on an interface. :param str server_address: The server's IP as a dotted quad. :param str response_interface: The interface on which to provide raw packet support, like ``"eth0"``. :param sequence qtags: Any qtags to insert into raw packets, in order of appearance. Definitions take the following form: (pcp:`0-7`, dei:``bool``, vid:`1-4094`) :except Exception: Interfacing with libpcap failed. """ import ctypes self._c_int_ = ctypes.c_int import ctypes.util import getifaddrslib pcap = ctypes.util.find_library('pcap') if not pcap: raise Exception("libpcap not found") pcap = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(pcap) errbuf = ctypes.create_string_buffer(256) self._fd = pcap.pcap_open_live(response_interface, ctypes.c_int(0), ctypes.c_int(0), ctypes.c_int(0), errbuf) if not self._fd: import errno raise IOError(errno.EACCES, errbuf.value) elif errbuf.value: import warnings warnings.warn(errbuf.value) try: mac = ''.join(chr(i) for i in MAC(getifaddrslib.get_mac_address(response_interface))) except Exception: pcap.pcap_close(self._fd) raise else: _L2Responder.__init__(self, server_address, mac, qtags=qtags) self._inject = pcap.pcap_inject def _send_(self, packet): """ Sends the packet. :param str packet: The packet to be written. :return int: The number of bytes written to the network. :except Exception: An error occurred during transmission. """ return self._inject(self._fd, packet, self._c_int_(len(packet)))